Downloadable C.V.
- PDF Document: Lucchesi CV Jan29 2016
- MS Word Document: Lucchesi CV Jan29 2016
Abbreviated C.V.
2016 (expected) Ph.D. in English, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Concentrations: composition/rhetoric, disability studies, digital pedagogy
Dissertation: Accessing Academe, Disabling the Curriculum: Institutional Locations of Disability in the City University of New York, 1946 – Today
Dissertation Committee: Mark McBeth (Director), Cathy Davidson, Stephen Brier
2009 M.A. in English Literature, graduated with distinction King’s College London
Concentrations: 19th and 20th c. British and American literature, women’s studies
Thesis title: “‘I refer to the world but I speak of the body’: Stigma and Subjectivity in Women’s Literature of AIDS.”
2008 B.A. in English Literature, minor in music and Classical Latin, Pacific Lutheran University
Academic Appointments
2015 – present, Instructional Technology Fellow, Macaulay Honors College, CUNY, New York, NY
Responsibilities: Support for instructors of interdisciplinary honors seminars, educational technology consultant
2013 – 2015, Communication Across the Curriculum Fellow, Baruch College, CUNY, New York, NY
Responsibilities: Designing professional development in writing-intensive and tech-enhanced pedagogy, support for business capstone courses
2014 – 2015, Quantitative Reasoning Fellow, Hostos Community College, CUNY, Bronx, NY
Responsibilities: Designing professional development in cross-disciplinary and tech-enhanced pedagogy, committees: general education, assessment, CTL advisory
2011 – 2014, Graduate Teaching Fellow, City College of New York, CUNY, Harlem, NY
Courses taught as instructor of record:
- Freshman Composition (two sections)
- Honors Introduction to Writing for Engineers (five sections)
- Advanced Writing in the Humanities (two sections)
- Advanced Writing for Engineers (one section)
- Summer Intensive Workshop (one section)
2010 – 2011, Adjunct Lecturer, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY, Long Island City, NY
Courses taught as instructor of record:
- Freshman Composition (five sections)
Further works in progress listed on downloadable CV
2016, Book Chapter: “Engineering WAW for Engineers: Experiments in Technical Writing and Collaborative Design.” Next Steps: New Directions for/in Writing About Writing. Editors, Barb Bird, Doug Downs, I. Moriah McCracken, and Jan Rieman. Utah State University Press, forthcoming.
2015, Special Journal Issue co-edited with Sushil K. Oswal: “Disability as Insight, Access as the Function of Design,” The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (Issue 8, forthcoming Fall 2015):
2015, Review Article: “Mobile Apps and Online Learning Take Center Stage at City University of New York Accessibility Conference,” Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (July 2015):
2014, Video: The Future of Basic Writing II: Liz Clark and Heidi Johnsen. New York, NY. 43:23.
2014, Video: The Future of Basic Writing I: Rebecca Mlynarczyk and Ira Shor. New York, NY. Co-produced with Sean Molloy and Robert Greco. Published in four sections:
- “How Can We Grow The Field?” 8:06
- “Opposing Socioeconomic Discrimination” 16:08
- “Incorporating Multi-Lingual Writers” 8:09
- “Accelerated Learning Programs” 6:20
Selected Conference Presentations
April 2016, “Disrupting Ability: Student Disability Activist Rhetoric in Action,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston, TX
July 2015, “Institutional Archaeology: What We Learn by Digging Up Dead Programs,” Conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, Boise, ID
March 2015, “Memories of ‘Subtle Triage’: Institutional Histories of Academic Disability Programming,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa, FL
January 2015, “Digital Experimentation and the Challenge of Authenticity in Stand-Alone Writing for Engineers Courses,” Modern Language Association, Vancouver, BC
Selected Invited Talks and Workshops
April 2016, “Diverse Needs and Talents: Acting on the Promise of Basic Writing,” Council on Basic Writing Pre-Conference Workshop, The Transformative Action of BW, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston, TX
Nov 2016, “Beyond Eugenic Futures: Science and Technology in Disability Studies” Conference of the CUNY Society for Disability Studies, School of Professional Studies (CUNY)
Sept 2015, “Cripping the Curriculum: Disability Studies and Composition/Rhetoric” Meeting of the CUNY Society for Disability Studies, School of Professional Studies (CUNY)
August 2015, “Universal Design for the Writing Classroom” Graduate Center PhD in English Program Orientation for New CUNY Teachers, CUNY Graduate Center
Editorial Positions
2013 – present, The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, Editorial Collective
2015 – present, The Journal of Basic Writing, Editorial Assistant
2013 – 2015, – Communication and pedagogy blog for Baruch College Contributing Author: